In the early 90s sometimes during interviews on MTV artists would be asked to show what was in their pockets. Some bloggers I read have been doing something similar. They take a photo of the contents of their purses and post it for all the world to see. So, of course, I’m jumping on the bandwagon. The contents of my little backpack are:
agenda – date book
lapiceros – pens
celular – cell phone
llaves – keys
brillo para los labios – lip gloss
monedero – coin holder ($1.37)
alarma personal – personal alarm
pastillitas de menta – mints
tarjeta de metro – subway pass
paquetito de almendras – packet of almonds
algo de tejer – some knitting
La bolsita roja fue un regalito que nos dieron a todos los que dimos clases de tejer en el último festival de tejido que hubo en Washington, DC. Contenido: licencia de conducir, tarjeta de crédito, billetes ($8.00), tarjetas bibliotecarias, tarjeta bancaria, varias tarjetas de presentación.
The red pouch was a gift given to all those who gave knitting/crochet lessons at the last Knit Out that was held in Washington, DC. Contents: driver’s license, credit card, cash ($8.00), library cards, bank card, various business cards.
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